Group AGM

AGM Wed 25th November, 6.30pm St. Mary’s Primary School, East London Street.

You are warmly invited to the Scout Group AGM. Everyone is welcome, including very small people.

The Group is going through a lot of positive change at the moment with growing numbers of youngsters and the possible creation of our own Explorer Unit for our older teenagers, for the first time. A successful group relies on happy young people, committed leaders and supportive parents. Here is your chance to hear what we’re up to, and don’t worry, we won’t try to persuade you to pull on a brown shirt and neckie. You may find however that you have a skill that we could employ in our programme as a one-off event, or you can led a hand to keep the group functioning smoothly in the background. Parents do help all the time with transport to camps, attending those camps to support the leaders and running the Group Executive; thank you. 

So, hopefully see you on Wed for some free biscuits.

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